Business Sale Ready

Creating a more valuable and saleable business...


Is Your Business, Business Sale Ready?

When selling a business - there are a number of things you should attend to in order to maximise your price and make your business more attractive to potential buyers. Just as homeowners often remodel, or repaint their houses to help them sell, business owners need to do likewise to maximise the value of their opportunity.

Is it time...

  • for a change?
  • to sell up and retire?
  • to get your business sale ready?
  • to list your business for sale?

With a little planning and focus you can have a highly desirable, saleable and valuable business that will sell for more, more easily.


Selling a Business to get your best price

There are a number of factors that will influence your business' value and the prospect of a sale. By working through the following Business for Sale checklist you will have a more saleable and valuable business for the day you sell. 

If you're about to Sell your New Zealand Business and would like a copy of our FREE "nzbiz Seller's checklist" to help you build the value and get more for your business, then please request a Business Seller's checklist here.

The benefits:

  • Set your business up for a quick sale
  • Make it more desirable to those with the money
  • Have an exit strategy and plan
  • Identify the gaps of what needs to be done in order to get there
  • Know where to focus your efforts

Provided by - New Zealands #1 business for sale website.

For greater exposure when selling your business or franchise, place your business for sale on nzbizbuysell        |      Contact Us


c 2012 business sale ready (nzbizbuysell).